Nursalmi Syahrir Customs are habits that are carried out or often called gaukang , the aim is to respect the ancestors and at the same time know the creatures of Allah, and stay in touch with the community. Regarding customs, I was interested in one of the customs in Gowa district, specifically in Jipang Village, South Bontonompo Subdistrict, Gowa district, to describe it to fulfill one of the final project tasks in the Cross-Cultural Understanding course. According to some sources, the customs of Appalili Accera Gaukang or people's feasts are usually held in the framework where heirlooms such as three chests containing royal flags and three seven-meter bamboos in the Lompoa Jipang Balla are issued and paraded around the village by residents. This village, heirloom, and bamboo surround the house of the traditional leader of Jipang Village. It is said that in the past, this flag had historical significance in strengthening Gowa as the largest mar...
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